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Application Procedures

2023-08-28 11:09  


Apply online, register and log in the International student recruitment system of Shenyang University(http://apply.syu.cucas.cn/),fill in personal information online and upload relevant materials as required.


Basic material (Additional materials are required for individual items as appropriate):

√沈阳大学申请表Application Form of Shenyang University

√护照信息All of the pages of passport (include blank pages)

√毕业证(扫描件及中文翻译件)Graduation Certificate(need to be translated into Chinese)

√成绩单(扫描件及中文翻译件)Transcript(need to be translated into Chinese)

√无犯罪记录证明Certificate of No Criminal Record

√体检合格证明Medical examination report

2.学校对所申请者提交材料进行审核,申请者可以在沈阳大学国际学生招生系统上查询审核结果。We will review the materials submitted by the applicants. Applicants can check the results on the admission system.

3.审核通过后,学校会将所有的申请材料上报上级相关部门办理202表的申请。After approval, the school will submit all the application materials to the relevant departments at the higher level for the application of Form 202.

4.申请者可以在沈阳大学国际学生招生系统上再次查询JW202表办理进程。JW202获批后,学校会向申请者发送电子版录取通知书,申请人确认后,需缴纳第一年的余额学费。Applicants can check the JW202 form application process on the admission system of Shenyang University.After the approval of JW202 form, we will send an electronic admission letter to the applicant, and the applicant will pay the balance of the tuition fee for the first year after confirmation

5.在我们收到以上费用之后,学校将已缴费同学的JW202表、入学通知书、缴费收据原件邮寄给申请人。Upon receipt of the above fee, we will mail the JW202 form, admission notice and original payment receipt to the applicant

6.学生持JW202表、入学通知书及缴费收据在本国体检,然后到中国驻外使领馆办理来华学习签证Applicants hold JW202 form、 admission letter and receipt to their own country to have physical examination,then go to Chinese embassy to get visa for study in China



Applicants should inform the IEEC before 15 days.Report to IEEC of SYU when arrive with admission letter, passport and 7 certificate photos (2-inch without headgear).



China entry physical examination fee is about RMB 600


费用RMB400元(不满一年) RMB800元(1年)


Applying for Residential Permit

RMB400(less than one year) RMB800(one year)

Students with X1 visa should bring medical examination report to Division Exit-Entry Administration of Public Security Bureau of Shenyang to get residence permit.


版权所有:沈阳大学国际教育学院 邮编:110044 
地址:辽宁省沈阳市大东区望花南街21号 电话:024-62268632;024-62268318
International Admission Office:+86-24-62268729
Email:ieec@syu.edu.cn  On-line Application System:https://syu.at0086.cn/Login.aspx